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The scientific research

The PRÎSM, an association composed of scientists, divers, and photographers, partnered in 2018 with the BORA DIVE and RESEARCH diving center to monitor the evolution of the reef around Sainte-Marie Island, Madagascar. PRÎSM supports the PCADDISM (Platform for Dialogue among Actors for Sustainable Development of Sainte-Marie Island). This platform reflects the local desire to understand and mitigate ongoing ecosystem degradation in the area, particularly by eventually creating Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

The method applied for sampling biological communities was chosen to integrate regional and global databases. This method is the underwater visual census (UVC) , on transects using scuba gear, which is classically used in reef environments and recognized worldwide by the GCRMN Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN).

Data collection is carried out four times a year at the five sentinel stations located around the island, each presenting different ecosystem characteristics.
The fish surveys are based on approximately 185 species of fish belonging to 18 families. Benthic surveys focus on the genera of hard corals.

The PRÎSM association publishes a scientific report every year.
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